Arshile Gorky Catalogue Raisonné
Chapter / Essay   •    Exhibition catalogue

Mooradian 1975

Mooradian, Karlen. "Where the Great Centuries Dance: The Armenian Years." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 15–27. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975. Exhibition catalogue. (1975–76 Austin).

Numerous quotations in the essay are from letters alleged to be written by Arshile Gorky, but for which no originals are known to exist. Accordingly, the writings are no longer attributed to the artist. See Matossian 1998b: "Appendix," pp. 496–98, for a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of the now unassigned letters.

In this Exhibition catalogue:
  • Baber 1975: Baber, Alice. "Gorky's Color." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 73–77. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
  • Grossman 1975: Grossman, Isobel. "If Memory Serves: Guest Curator's Preface." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 11–12. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
  • Herrera 1975b: Herrera, Hayden. "The Artist's Self Image: Self Portraits by Arshile Gorky." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 41–55. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
  • Jordan 1975: Jordan, Jim. M. "Gorky, Braque, Picasso." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 79–84. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
  • Nakian 1975: Nakian, Reuben. "My Fellow Countryman." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 93–94. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
  • Rand 1975: Rand, Harry. "Arshile Gorky Iconography." In Arshile Gorky: Drawings to Paintings, pp. 61–70. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
Author: Mooradian, Karlen