Reverse, on canvas, center right: ↑ / TOP / GORKY / Red 1928-9
The painting's lifetime title Composition originates from its first public display at the Albright Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, in 1935.1 The inscription "Red" on the reverse of the canvas could be considered another lifetime title for the painting, however, it has never appeared as such.
Etta (1895–1980) and M. Martin Janis (1892–1969), the first owners of the painting, were important early patrons of Gorky's. Their introduction to the artist was made through M. Martin's brother Sidney Janis (1896–1989), who later became one of the postwar era's most important art dealers and represented the Estate of Arshile Gorky shortly after opening his New York gallery in 1948.
In a letter dated November 26, 1949, to fellow Gorky patron Mina Boehm Metzger (1877–1975), M. Martin Janis recalled: "My wife and I knew [Gorky] well and greatly grieved at his untimely passing. In our collection, there are 5 examples of Gorky's [works] all acquired in 1934, when we first met him."2
1. The title appears on a typed loan list for the exhibition, courtesy of Buffalo AKG Art Museum Archives. Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, New York, Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin Janis Collection, February 2–March 2, 1935.
2. Four of the five works have been conclusively identified: D0174ab, P074, P120, P125. Letter from M. Martin Janis to Mina Boehm Metzger, November 26, 1949, AGF Archives.